Gaurav Gupta
Senior Scientist, AWS-AI
PhD, University of Southern California
PhD Thesis
Research Interests
sequence models, learning partial differential equations
Applications of Information theory in machine learning and inference
Fractional dynamics and long-range memory
Modeling and Analysis of physiological signals (e.g. EEG, neuron spike events)
Gaurav Gupta, Xiongye Xiao, and Paul Bogdan
Multiwavelet-based Operator Learning for Differential Equations
In NeurIPS: Proceedings of the 34th Neural Information Processing Systems Conference,
December 2021. Spotlight
[link][arXiv] [code]
Chenzhong Yin, Mihai Udrescu, Gaurav Gupta, Mingxi Cheng, Andrei Lihu, Lucretia Udrescu, Paul Bogdan, David M. Mannino, and Stefan Mihaicuta
Fractional Dynamics Foster Deep Learning of COPD Stage Prediction [link]
Advanced Science 2023
Mohamed Ridha Znaidi*, Gaurav Gupta*, Kamiar Asgari, and Paul Bogdan
Identifying Arguments of Space-Time Fractional Diffusion: Data-driven Approach [link] [code]
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, May 2020
(* equal contribution authors)
Valeriu Balaban, Sean Lim, Gaurav Gupta, James Boedicker, and Paul Bogdan
Quantifying emergence and self-organisation of Enterobacter cloacae microbial communities [link]
Nature Scientific reports 8, 2018
Gaurav Gupta and A.K. Chaturvedi
User Selection in MIMO Interfering Broadcast Channels [link] [arXiv] [code]
IEEE transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 1568-1576, Apr. 2014
Gaurav Gupta and A.K. Chaturvedi
Conditional Entropy based User Selection for Multiuser MIMO systems [link] [arXiv] [code]
IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1628-1631, Aug. 2013
Tao Yu, Gaurav Gupta, Karthick Gopalswamy, Amith Mamidala, Hao Zhou, Jeffrey Huynh, Youngsuk Park, Ron Diamant, Anoop Deoras, and Jun Huan
Collage: Light-Weight Low-Precision Strategy for LLM Training [arXiv]
in ICML: 41th International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2024.
Haozheng Fan, Hao Zhou, Guangtai Huang, Parameswaran Raman, Xinwei Fu, Gaurav Gupta, Dhananjay Ram, Yida Wang, Jun Huan
HLAT: High-quality Large Language Model Pre-trained on AWS Trainium [arXiv]
in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Dec 2024.
S. Chandra Mouli, Danielle C. Maddix, Shima Alizadeh, Gaurav Gupta, Andrew Stuart, Michael W. Mahoney, and Yuyang Wang
Using Uncertainty Quantification to Characterize and Improve Out-of-Domain Learning for PDEs [arXiv]
in ICML: 41th International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2024.
Derek Hansen, Danielle C. Maddix, Shima Alizadeh, Gaurav Gupta, Michael W. Mahoney
Learning Physical Models that Can Respect Conservation Laws [arXiv]
in ICML: 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2023.
Hilaf Hasson, Danielle C. Maddix, Bernie Wang, Gaurav Gupta, Youngsuk Park
Theoretical Guarantees of Learning Ensembling Strategies with Applications to Time Series Forecasting [arXiv]
in ICML: 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2023.
Nadim Saad*, Gaurav Gupta*, Shima Alizadeh, and Danielle C Maddix
Guiding continuous operator learning through Physics-based boundary constraints [link]
In ICLR: 11th International Conference on Learning Representations, April 2023.
(* equal contribution authors)
Xiongye Xiao, Defu Cao, Ruochen Yang, Gaurav Gupta, Chenzhong Yin, Gengshuo Liu, Radu Balan, and Paul Bogdan
Coupled Multiwavelet Operator Learning for Coupled Differential Equations [link]
in ICLR: 11th International Conference on Learning Representations, April 2023.
Mohamed Ridha Znaidi*, Gaurav Gupta*, and Paul Bogdan
Secure Distributed/Federated Learning: Prediction-Privacy Trade-Off for Multi-Agent System [arXiv]
in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2022
(* equal contribution authors)
Gaurav Gupta, Xiongye Xiao, Radu Balan, and Paul Bogdan
Non-Linear Operator Approximations for Initial Value Problems [link]
In ICLR: 10th International Conference on Learning Representations, April 2022.
Gaurav Gupta, Xiongye Xiao, and Paul Bogdan
Multiwavelet-based Operator Learning for Differential Equations [arXiv] [code]
In NeurIPS: Proceedings of the 34th Neural Information Processing Systems Conference, December 2021. Spotlight
Gaurav Gupta, Chenzhong Yin, Jyotirmoy Deshmukh, and Paul Bogdan
Non-Markovian Reinforcement Learning using Fractional Dynamics [link] [arXiv]
In the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2021
Ruochen Yang*, Gaurav Gupta* and Paul Bogdan
Data-driven Perception of Neuron Point Process with Unknown Unknowns [link] [arXiv] [code]
Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Cyber-Physical Systems Week, Montreal, Quebec, Canada — April 16 - 18, 2019
(* equal contribution authors)
Gaurav Gupta, Sergio Pequito and Paul Bogdan
Re-thinking EEG-based non-invasive brain interfaces: modeling and analysis [link] [arXiv]
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Cyber-Physical Systems Week, Porto, Portugal, April 2018
Gaurav Gupta, Sergio Pequito and Paul Bogdan
Dealing with unknown unknowns: Identification and selection of minimal sensing for fractional dynamics with unknown inputs [link] [arXiv] [code]
Proceedings of the 2018 American Control Conference, Milwaukee, USA, June 27-29, 2018
Gaurav Gupta and Paul Bogdan
Distributed Placement of Power Generation Resources in Uncertain Environments [link] [code]
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Cyber-Physical Systems Week, Pittsburgh, USA, pp. 71-79, April 2017
Gaurav Gupta, Anit Kumar Sahu, Wan-Yi Lin, and Joseph Szurley
Training a Machine Learning Model Using a Batch Based Active Learning Approach
U.S. Patent
Kapil Gulati, Gaurav Gupta, Shailesh Patil and Marco Papaleo
Congestion Control for LTE-V2V, U.S. Patent Application No. 15/585,782, May 3 2017
Kapil Gulati, Gaurav Gupta, Shailesh Patil and Marco Papaleo
Congestion Control for LTE-V2V, U.S. Patent Application No. 15/585,635, May 3 2017
Kapil Gulati, Gaurav Gupta, Shailesh Patil, Durga Prasad Malladi, Sudhir Kumar Baghel and Marco Papaleo
Multi-Technology Coexistence in the unlicensed intelligent transportation service spectrum, U.S. Patent Application No. 15/644,378, July 7 2017
Shailesh Patil, Kapil Gulati and Gaurav Gupta
Detection of Technologies for Coexistence, U.S. Patent Application No. 15/617,765, June 8 2017
Kapil Gulati, Shailesh Patil, Gaurav Gupta, Sudhir Kumar Baghel and Marco Papaleo
DSRC-LTE V2V Co-Channel Long Term Coexistence, U.S. Patent Application No. 15/465,877, Mar 22 2017
Technical Reports